LIMA GOLF 2015: IULI Competes With Eight Other Universities For The National Title

After successfully organizing a swimming LIMA in 2015, now LIGA MAHASISWA (LIMA) is holding a golf championship at college level. The national level golf championship is taking place from 14-16 September 2015 at the National Golf Club Senayan, Jakarta. The Golf LIMA 2015 is made up of nine universities with a total of 18 golfers. The universities taking part in the 2015 Golf LIMA are UPH, UMN, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Indonesia, University Widyatama, Universitas BINUS, Universitas Maranatha, International University Liaison Indonesia and STIE Prasetya Mulya.

LIMA is a private organization established in May 2012, which aims to create a forum for college students in Indonesia in the field of sports. Currently, LIMA is focusing on five sports, namely basketball, futsal, badminton, swimming, and golf. It is hoped participants will socialize these sports to a wider public.

IULI is represented by Thariq Amanilla Kotoswantry from International Business Administration and Davion Arsinio from Aviation Engineering. IULI is proud of the dedication of Thariq and Davion and wish the best for them.


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