International Management

Learn everything about Financial Management, Business Math, Operation & Project Management, Consumer Behaviour and Business Research

What's Inside?

The International Management degree program prepares IULI graduates for international business and public sector careers in organizations ranging from family-run businesses to multinational corporations and from government administration to non-profit foundations.


Students will acquire the management knowledge that deals with many aspects of an organization including the formulation of goals, decision-making processes, the design of organizational structures, understanding and motivating people, leading organizational change, and strategizing and managing internationally.


Beyond that building and sharpening students’ knowledge and skills, this program widens the student’s networks, develops a global perspective, and cultivates a strong sense of identity.

Financial Management • Management Theory & Sociology • Business Mathematics • Managerial Accounting • Management Control System • Entrepreneurship • Operation Management • Value-Based Management • International Business • International Marketing • International Human Resources Management • Business Research Method

Academic Degree: Sarjana Manajemen (S.M.) + Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Legal Base/Accreditation: SK DIKTI No. 425/E/O/2014

Duration of Study: 6 semesters at IULI + 2 semesters abroad (International Program) or 8 Semester at IULI (National Degree only)

Language of Instruction: English

Tuition Fees: IDR 30 Million/semester, No Development Fees.

Scholarships available (up to 75%)

Academic Year: Even Semester (March – August) + Odd Semester (September-February)
Academic weeks/semester: 14 weeks + 2 exams
SKS/ECTS per semester: 24/34
SKS/ECTS per study: 144-160 / 202-224
Duration of a lecture: 50 minutes
Number of students per subject: 10-15

Textbook List: Download

Curriculum in English: Download
Syllabus: Download

What Are The Advantages of Studying International Management?

2014, offers a wide variety of study programs, in which you can opt for a Bachelor degree in International Management, among many other programs. This higher education institution was founded by Dr.-Ing. Ilham Habibie and offers you the possibility of studying in Indonesia as well as abroad: in Germany or Switzerland; with the option of obtaining an International Degree, in addition to a pleasant experience of cultural enrichment.

Students, who choose to study International Management at IULI, will receive an excellent education that will allow them to acquire management knowledge to develop in different areas, being able to organize, formulate objectives, make diagnoses and decisions.


Graduated in International Management you will be prepared to exercise organizational leadership within a company, organization or business, being able to analyze and deepen on the alternatives that promote better structures to grow and optimize processes.


The International University Liaison Indonesia will provide you with a complete program of studies, all the tools, and experience to ensure the most successful and correct development as a professional in International Management. As a student, you will develop a global perspective and cultivate a strong sense of identity. The field of study includes courses in Financial Management, Accounting, International Business, Management Control Systems, International Marketing, Business Research Methods, Human Resources, among others.


The International Management Bachelor’s Degree Program has all the academic resources to prepare IULI graduates for careers in international business, multinational corporations, business, and government administration. The university offers you the great possibility to study abroad and obtain an International Degree in 4 years, thanks to its agreements with German and other partner universities.

As an IULI student, you will have the great advantage of being able to study in Germany, attending courses that have duration of 8 semesters with 114-155 SKS; which are taught in English.


This is another of the good surprises that you will be able to enjoy since you will be provided with the knowledge of both English and German language by native speakers and free of charge. In other words, you will not only obtain a degree in International Management, but you will also return to Indonesia as a bilingual. Through the Indonesia-Germany Study Agreement as a student of IULI, you will be able to access education of the highest quality with ample possibilities in the international labor field, which will open a world of possibilities.


The programs draw on the best practices of the educational systems of both countries; so that as a professional graduate you will have a work and study experience that will allow you to expand your areas of action of your choice. Whether you wish to stay in Indonesia or try your luck in another country. Studying or doing your internship in Germany for up to one year you will get an initial contact with the international labor market.


IULI as an international university aims to contribute to knowledge, assuming the commitment to the training and education of its students in various areas of science and technology, preparing them to take on the future challenges of society and the environment.


This private university operating in Jakarta (BSD City) since 2014 offers an innovative proposal in the higher education system by offering national and international study programs. In this process students besides connecting with other cultures, can learn English and German for free with the guidance of native speakers; expanding their chances of being absorbed by the international job market.


IULI is licensed by the Government of Indonesia under SK DIKTI No. 425/E/O/2014 and all its study programs are accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of the Government of Indonesia.

The study experience at IULI can hardly be surpassed. In addition to offering you excellent courses with the best professors, as a student, you can choose to access the International Degree Program and expand all your possibilities in the work field. For more information about IULI’s study programs, we invite you to contact our student support center: +62 852 123 18000. Click here to start a WhatsApp Chat. Take advantage of our discounts and scholarship programs.