Learn everything about Machine Learning, Advanced Data Structures, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Simulation and Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science (CS) is different with Computer Engineering (CE), but in some cases CS graduate work in similar jobs with CE. Computer Scientist is typically interested in developing computer software, networks and databases, and mostly enjoy mathematics and software design. CS sometimes is described as the science of computation. Our curriculum will not be absolutely based on that definition. In IULI, the students will study mostly CS subjectswith a little touch of CE.
CS students should enjoy creating efficient software using innovative algorithms, while understanding how the computer hardware works. Besides that specific subject, they will learn how humans interact with computers and how thesoftware takes human input and creates the output.
The curriculum also helps the students to learn about and work with other disciplines. It gives the opportunity for students to learn project management and how to work in a team.
The process of maturity starts when the students enter their first year in IULI. They will learn basic science and mathematics. The second year is the time when they touch the concept of computers, such as computer architecture, interfacing, networking and operating systems. In this year they are tasked with the application of mathematics, for example, logic and digital design, computability and algorithms. In the third year, the student will learn how to integrate concepts into a system. This will be conducted in Computer ScienceSystem Design classes. In the fourth year, the student will do research, which enables them to produce their own computer.
This activity has to offer possible advances in human life, for example, in health, education, transportation, financial, energy, entertainment and social interest.
System design • software engineering • embedded system • distributed architecture • Image processing • pattern recognition • Intelligent systems • security and cryptography • internet of things and automation
Academic Degree: Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) + Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Legal Base/Accreditation: SK DIKTI No. 425/E/O/2014
Duration of Study: 6 semesters at IULI + 2 semesters abroad (International Program) or 8 Semester at IULI (National Degree only)
Language of Instruction: English
Tuition Fees: IDR 30 Million/semester, No Development Fees.
Scholarships available (up to 75%)
Academic Year: Even Semester (March – August) + Odd Semester (September-February)
Academic weeks/semester: 14 weeks + 2 exams
SKS/ECTS per semester: 24/34
SKS/ECTS per study: 144-160 / 202-224
Duration of a lecture: 50 minutes
Number of students per class: 10-15
Textbook List: Download
Curriculum in English: Download
Curriculum in Bahasa Indonesia: Download
Syllabus: Download
Are you struggling with the decision whether the Computer Science (B. Sc. or S1) study program is a good choice for you? Then read this article about the key points of the Computer Science S1 & Bachelor degree, get to know your career options and advantages with this specific degree.
If you want to be a developer, programmer who enjoys solving computational problems or have interest in information technologies, then Computer Science is the course for you to go for.
Computer Science is a very dynamic and rapidly growing field concerning advancement to technology. If we take a look around us, there are multiple things, services like the internet, automated machines and luxuries that are serving us. This is all because of Computer Science which helps us to achieve our goals and make lives easier. And that’s why computer science has become an integral part of the world that we live in. We live in a time where technology plays an important role in many aspects of life, and so the many skills provided with this degree are in high demand.
Just a few decades back, a machine intelligence was a dream of mankind and was considered as alien technology to us. But today, we offer an outstanding opportunity to students to learn machine learning and to train machines. You can automate a program and build intelligence in it and it will work according to the knowledge you pass to it. For example, autonomous vehicles are working nowadays and make traveling safer like never before.
Computers are so ubiquitous these days that it’s easy to forget how quickly they’ve changed our lives. Only fifteen years ago, e-mail was a relatively new phenomenon, the Internet was just gaining steam, and no one imagined they’d be carrying smartphones loaded up with nifty apps (back then, making a call from the street usually meant finding a phone booth). What might the next 15 years bring?
Our society is becoming increasingly dependent on technology for every aspect of our lives, from business to social interaction and beyond, Computer Scientists are sought after in pretty much every industry and in a wide range of capacities. A Computer Science Degree from IULI can lead you to a fulfilling, well-paying career, which is something that is a rarity in the current state of the economy.
Having Bachelor (B. Sc.) Degree in Computer Science, you will grip knowledge about modern working technologies, new research and how computer science works at the backend of every technology and serves us. You will find out the cutting-edge solutions and how they can be implemented to solve different challenges. A degree in computer science can translate to roles in many different industries. From communications and financial companies to software, health care and governmental agencies, there are no limitations. There are many career options after graduation including:
1- Web Developer
2- System Analyst
3- Product Manager
4- Game Development
5- Cyber Security Specialist
6- Artificial Intelligence Specialist
and much more… So, it will be easier to land a job that excites specifically you.
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