Food and Hotel Indonesia (FHI) in 2017 is a major event, which is held every two years. This year, FHI 2017 was held in Kemayoran, Jakarta. This event celebrates international and national cuisine through the publicizing of many foods and beverages. The event is also used to demonstrate the creative processing methods commonly used by five star international hotels.
To broaden practical exposures, IULI students from the Department of Hotel & Tourism Management (HTM), International Business Administration (IBA), Management (MGT) & Food Technology (FTE) visited FHI 2017. They were supervised by Mr. Tommy Saroso & Ms. Mirza Rizki Zulkarnaen, MSc.
There was a baking competition for representatives of hotels in Indonesia and a cooking competition for culinary schools, restaurants and independents. Mr. Temmy Rachmat, MM (Hos), from IULI was a member of the panel and an organizing committee member for this event, one of the many posts he serves on as an expert each year.
During this event, 3 assistant lecturers participated in the cooking competition. The cooking competition covered students from various campuses around Indonesia as well as overseas. With the seafood menu, Mr. Aditya N. Putra, SE, BA was able to secure 4th place, Ms. Yoanita Alexandra, SE, BA with her pasta was in 3rd place & Mr. Kevin Juliawan, SE, BA with the backup from US Potato was in 4th.
This was an excellent opportunity for students to see first-hand many things related to their studies in IULI.