IULI Researcher presents the results of joint research with LIPI during the 3rd International Symposium on Applied Chemistry (ISAC) 2017

23 October 2017 – As part of the ISAC 2017, the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) held an International Conference from 23-25 October 2017 at the Balai Kartini, Jakarta. Dr. Tutun Nugraha, a lecturer in the Chemical Engineering Department (Faculty of Life Sciences at IULI, presented his research results that dealt with the production of natural folates (Vitamin B9) through the fermentation of green vegetables, using Kombucha Culture.  It is known that a sufficient intake of folates is important, particularly to support healthy pregnancy in women and to support children in their growing stage.  Furthermore, folates are also needed in the production of red blood cells in the body to prevent anemia.

The event was attended by researchers and experts from various international academic institutions and industries to share and publish the results of their investigations.  The topics of the conference were within the scope of the IULI Faculty of Life Sciences subjects, covering diverse research topics in Chemical Engineering, Food Technology, Biomedical Engineering, and in Biology and Bio-process Technology.

The paper presented by Dr. Tutun is the outcome of a joint research effort between researchers at IULI and researchers at the Research Centre for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), at the PUSPIPTEK Research Center, in Serpong, Banten.  The research is part of the      ongoing studies within the field of food and nutraceuticals in search of naturally derived compounds that are beneficial for human health. Preferably, the raw materials should be indigenous to Indonesia.

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