Capacity Building Business Community Tourism Destination Bireuen District, Aceh Province

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Tourism, conducts several activities to advance Indonesia Tourism, remembering that there is very little public awareness among Indonesians of tourism and natural resources. Therefore, the Ministry has produced the slogan “Pesona Indonesia” as a locomotive to develop regional tourism destinations all over Indonesia. One of the activities is the development of human resources in tourism destination areas. Some of the activities are training and workshops pertaining to homestays and cuisine.

IULI, working with the Ministry of Tourism, did a workshop to develop culinary awareness in the tourist destination area of Desa Wisata in the following ways:

  1. Culinary development
  2. Good food business management
  3. Culinary food safety standards policy

A change in the mindset of people is needed for the success of this program so the Ministry of Tourism will continue to monitor and evaluate these initiatives.

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