Flying Faculty: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter Scharff – TU Ilmenau to the Faculty of Life Sciences

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter Scharff, Rector of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau),  gave a lecture to Life Sciences Students on Nov 3, 2016.  Prof. Scharff described the structure of TU Ilmenau and the interdisciplinary research activities, especially the ones related to the field of Life Sciences, that are currently conducted at TU Ilmenau.

He brielfy explained the role of preparative chemistry, such as in the utilisation of Fulerene (C60), a molecule with its cage like structure, in finding the cure for cancer by harnessing its photocatalytic activities to produce highly reactive oxygen species to kill cancer cells.  In addition, he explained the internship program in Germany that IULI’s students will experience in the 6th semester.

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