Practical Session in Manufacturing Benchworking for Automotive Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering Students at ATMI Cikarang

On Monday, June 25, 2018, a Practical Session in Manufacturing Benchworking for the students of the Automotive Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering of batch 2017 began. At the Akademi Teknik Mesin Industri (ATMI) Cikarang, the opening ceremony was held, was immediately followed by the 1st practice session in the workshop. The practical session will last for 4 weeks. Students will receive practical experience in operating machine tools, machining processes, CNC machining simulations (for automotive, mechanical, and industrial engineering students), bench work, installation and assembly of power supply (for mechatronics’ students), and understanding of technical drawings.


IULI has a good collaboration with ATMI and has been sending students to ATMI Cikarang since 2015. Father Agustinus Hendro Subekti, SJ (Director of ATMI), Dipl.-Ing. Prihangkasa Yudhiantoro, MT (Vice Director 4 – Industrial Collaboration – ATMI) and Dr. Ir. Prianggada Indra Tanaya, MME (Dean, Faculty of Engineering, IULI) were present at this event.


For IULI, this practical is neither the first nor the last. More fruitful collaborations will be further explored, and our students will learn, gain experience and get instructions from the experienced instructors of ATMI Cikarang.



by: Prianggada Indra Tanaya



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